



Proverbs 1/2

Sicilian Italian
U lupu di mala cuscenza comu opera accussì penza.
The wolf dishonest thinks of others what he might do him.
A cosa 'ncimata è menza cusuta.
A basted suit is half sewing.
A lu viddanu nun ci toccanu nguanti, ma a zappa n' coddu e 'u sceccu davanti.
To the peasant they don't touch gloves but the hoe on the shoulder and the donkey before.
Cu di nu sceccu fa 'n cavaddu, u primo cauciu s'u pigghia iddu.
Who of a donkey ago a horse, he takes the first kick.
Munti cù munti nun s`incontrunu mai.
The mountains never meet him with other mountains
(Instead the people meet sooner or later him).
'A quattara ca va all'acqua, o si rumpi, o si ciacca.
The pitcher that goes to the water, or he breaks, or he cracks.
A pignata vardata nun vugghi mai.
The looked pot never boils
(When for a thing is waited it never arrives).
Prima di palari mastica i paroli.
Before speaking it chews the words
(You reflect well on the words that you are saying).
Ci rissi u vermi a' nuci: dammi tempu ca ti perciu.
It told the worm the walnut: give me time that I puncture you.
Di `na rosa nasci `na spina. Di `na spina nasci `na rosa.
From a rose a thorn is born, from a thorn a rose is born.
Tri sunnu li putenti: u papa, u re e cu nunn'avi nenti.
Three are the powerful persons: the pope, the king and who doesn't have anything.
Cu nesci arrinesci.
Who estranges from his/her environment it comes to be in a best condition.
Fai beni e scordatilu, fai mali e pensaci.
Do good and forget it, do evil and think.
Petra ca nun fa lippu, u ciumi si la tira.
The stone that musk doesn't do is dragged away by the river.
A corda ruppa ruppa, cci va 'nto menzu cu non ci curpa.
The rope knots, nodes who did not bear the blame .
A lingua nun avi ossu, ma rumpi l'ossa.
The language doesn't have bone but it breaks the bones.
Chiamai l'orvu ppi darimi aiutu, rapiu l'occhi e mi fici scantari.
The language doesn't have bone but it breaks the bones.
La fimmina è comu li muluna: mmenzu a centu ci nn'è bona una.
The woman is as the melons: in the middle of one hundred it is us of it good one.
Quannu ‘u piru è fattu casca sulu.
When the pear is mature it falls alone.
(After sometime the situations they are clarified alone).
U rispettu è misuratu, cu lu porta l’havi purtato.
The respect is measured, who the door receives him.
Fimmini: capiddi longhi e ciriveddu curtu.
Women: long hair and short brain.
Cu mancia fa muddichi.
Who eats ago crumbs.
(Who inevitably does something it commits some error).
U bonu no vali cchiù di nu tintu sì.
The rejection dictate gracefully more than the it is worth yes said rudely.
Soccu ora si schifia veni lu tempu ca si ddisia.
The rejection dictate dark gracefully than the it is worth yes said rudely.
Aceddu ca canta 'nta argia, o canta p'amuri o canta ppi rabbia.
The bird that sings in the cage, or it sings for love or for anger.

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