



About us

The folk group "Sicilia Bedda", was founded in 1993, and has sought to know through the show and the music traditions of ancient Sicily. He is interested in everything related to folk traditions in Sicily, picking up in recent years many documents that testify video cameras

at various times working life of the past (harvesting, hunting, etc.), culture and tradition. TThese same experiments have been proposed in the form of performances and presentations in various places sicilian and not sicilian. The group makes use of typical instruments of the sicilian folk as friscalettu, bummulu, maranzanu, drum, tambourine, mandolin as well as some tools that arrived in the Sicilian culture, although in the last century, have become an essential part of Sicilian folklore same (guitar, accordion and acoustic bass). The songs are taken from the collection of Alberto Favara, text to draw from all groups Sicilians.

The dances, edited by Mr. Pippo Grassa, are built on the same tracks that describes Favara and experience among older people who still are unable to collect.

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