



Our dances

The tarantella

The tarantella is a large and diverse family of traditional dances distributed in southern Italy (Puglia, Campania, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicily and Molise). Born in Taranto, the tarantella has always been shrouded in a halo magical religious, in legend, however, the tarantella is related l black spider, the tarantula, which when it bites "is dancing". In the nineteenth century. the tarantella has become one of the best-known emblems of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and his name
has replaced the names of several pre-existing dances of various areas of southern Italy, making it the best known Italian dance abroad. The Tarantella is a fast dance, in fact, the various types have a metric of melodic and rhythmic phrasing in 6 / 8, 18 / 8 or 4 / 4, or more so that in a minor, according to local. Widespread among the population in Campania, already among the three hundred and four hundred. The transposition "colta" most famous it is probably that composed for pianoforte from Gioachino Rossini, entitled "The dance," which was arranged for orchestral performances, along with other piano pieces by Rossini, Ottorino Respighi in the XXI century for the ballet La boutique fantasque , choreographed by Leonid Mjasin for the Ballets Russes of Serge Diaghilev. The name derives from tarantula or tarentula, a spider venom diffused in southern Europe. Was believed that the venom of the spider produces symptoms of convulsion, so who danced this dance seemed bitten by a tarantula, hence the name 'tarantella'. According to other interpretations stems instead from the city of Taranto and the river Tara.

Dance to chiovo

Do you jump with your legs apart, which intersect in the fall, putting forward now one and now the other leg, you jump heels in danger of falling, movement back and forth. On Salemi is danced to two. Turn to the woman jokes, moves, reverence, you approach, you give your hands, passing from one point to another.


Ancient dance, performed at the end of work during the celebrations of the country. It was very common among shepherds, who took the name of "Lupului", but with different figures.


Dance performance on tread French, carried out during the Carnival, the celebrations of the country, mainly in wedding parties. It 'a dance type, where participants run of figures, under the command of the main.

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